Services and tests offered
- A routine clinical laboratory where screening and diagnostics tests are performed to assist the healthcare team in treatment and disease prevention.
- A scientific research capacity that provides controlled conditions in which research or experiments can be carried out in biomedical and toxicological science fields.
- A sample collection and packaging centre for referral samples to the GHSL-Limbe(Main branch) and a distribution centre for EQA samples produced in GHSL Limbe.
The following units are available to help us offer our services

Reception unit
- Upon arrival of our clients, our signpost and signages will guide you to our reception unit, where all necessary client information and request are documented on a referral form, accompanied with payment receipts carrying client’s names and unique codes.

Sample collection unit
- The client then moves to the Sample collection unit where they present the referral forms and receipts and samples are collected.
- This unit makes use of the Sample collection bed, Lamp and chair to facilitate sample collection processes.
- A rest room is also available for sample collection and collected samples are received at the Sample collection unit.

Sample reception and documentation bench.
- Samples collected at the sample collection with accompanied referral forms are received and documented at the Sample reception and documentation bench within the Laboratory testing section.
- These samples are then transferred to the various units for analysis as required.

Microbiology, Serology and Molecular biology unit
- The Microbiology bench uses different methodologies to detect the presence of microorganisms responsible for infections, such as Bacteria, fungal and other parasites through isolation and characterisation. Further determination of antimicrobial sensitivities of microorganisms can are carried out.
- The serology bench focuses on the detection and measurement of levels of antibodies and antigens in client samples as a result of exposure to infectious agents.
- The Molecular biology bench makes use of the MOLBIO TrueNat PCR system which is a real time PCR based system. It amplifies small quantities of nucleic acid to be used for many quantitative applications such as COVID -19, HBV, HCV and HIV tests. It can perform about 48 test within 8hours.The equipment is robust and can function appropriately even at high temp of about 40OC.It can also store energy for about 8hours when charged.

Biochemistry, Toxicology and Haematology unit.
- The Biochemistry unit deals with the measurement of chemicals (both natural and unnatural) in blood, urine and other body fluids. These tests results are useful for detecting health problems, determining prognosis and guiding the therapy of clients. The equipment used is a Gr8 Lab 1.0 Spectrophotometer.
- The spectrophotometer measures the light absorbed by a solution (sample) at a given wavelength, which makes it possible to deduce its concentration.
- It is used in the MTT test (rapid method of counting living cells).
- It allows the performance of biochemical assays in serum or plasma parameters and urine (e.g. glucose, urea, creatinine, calcium, albumin...) and reaction kinetics studies (determination of enzymatic activity).
- It also measures the density of a bacterial culture (as an estimate) in Microbilogy,through measurement of turbidimetry by the absorbance of a sample at 600 nm.
The Haematology unit performs Routine haematology and coagulation testing on whole blood and other body fluids. The instrument used is the Full Blood Count-Councell-23
Used in hematology for the qualitative and quantitative study of blood cells. The report of a hemogram must include at least the following:
- Hemoglobin
- Hematocrit
- Erythrocyte count
- The main erythrocyte constants
- Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
- Mean Platelets Volume (MPV)
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Content (MCHC) and
- Red blood cell distribution index (RDI).
- A white blood cell count with a formula detailing the number of neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes (and any other circulating cells);
- Platelet count.
Soil Nutrient Analyzer from Nanbei(NB-Q3)
It is suitable for soil analysis and fertilization by agricultural service departments or agricultural equipment distributors, cooperatives, fertilizer manufacturers and large producers. The operation is simple and fast.
Soil, fertilizer, plant analyzer
Soil Nutrient
Soil N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium, organic matter, nitrate nitrogen (soil), total nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium (soil), hydrolysable nitrogen
Nutrient Fertilizers
Fertilizers (including all kinds) N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, Kpotassium, Organic matter, Nitrogen nitrate (fertilizer), Organic fertilizer available nutrients, Biuret, Humic acid
Plant (fresh)
Fresh plant N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium
Culture (dry)
Crop N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) brand AA320N
Analytical techniques based on atomic spectroscopy are widely used: To determine the concentration of metallic elements as well as metalloids in a sample.
Atomic absorption spectroscopy with graphite furnace (GFAA) GA3202
Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAA) is the most advanced and sensitive technique for the evaluation of atomic absorption. With a graphite furnace atomizer, atoms are retained in the optical path a little longer than with flame atomization, allowing detection limits and sensitivity to be lowered to parts per billion (ppb).
This method is used for the qualitative and quantitative study of almost all metals, metalloids and some non metals
Atomic absorption spectroscopy with graphite furnace (GFAA) GA3202
Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAA) is the most advanced and sensitive technique for the evaluation of atomic absorption. With a graphite furnace atomizer, atoms are retained in the optical path a little longer than with flame atomization, allowing detection limits and sensitivity to be lowered to parts per billion (ppb).
This method is used for the qualitative and quantitative study of almost all metals, metalloids and some non metals
Visible Spectrophotometer model 721G
Office unit
This section severs for administrative purposes where planning and follow up on all Lab activities takes place, review and validation of all results and where documents are developed and records are archived. This unit is equipped with a laboratory information system for easy coordination with our Main Branch in Limbe and a Generator in place to for unterrupted power supply to all testing equipment
Dressing Room.
This section serves as a dressing area for all Lab technicians, where all appropriate attires as put on before and after getting into the testing units.